Here at Andy Walks the safety and security of both your pets and our team are always our main concern. That’s why over the next couple of weeks you will start to see us out and about wearing security-style body cameras.
The main reason for this move is the number of off-lead and out of control dogs we encounter seems to have increased recently.
In the district of Bolsover, like many other council districts up and down the country, there is a local bylaw that forbids any dog from being off lead in a public space. However this law is flouted quite regularly and many owners do not seem to have any control over the animals in their charge. This has lead us to report 2 incidents to Derbyshire Police in recent months where our team have asked individuals to take control of their dogs, only to receive a tyraid of abuse. This is not acceptable.
So, on advice from Derbyshire Police, we are now investing to add a body camera to the kit we will all be wearing going forwards. These cameras will record entire walks to protect both us and your pets. And together with our GPS tracking systems we are confident that we are the best equipped walkers around. Which in turn means your dog is now safer with us than ever before.